Maybe You Should Judge a Book by Its Cover?

In our generation I don’t believe nearly as many people read books as they should. Books are great. For me, they are therapy. They let me leave my life if only for an hour and jump into someone else’s. Books let you live the descriptive details that in movies you probably do not even notice.

When thinking about books that have changed my perspective on life, there are so many different books that pop into my head. Yet, one book stands out because I just finished it last week. I remember seeing the cover of this book and thinking I really should read this book. I could tell it was not just a book with no message, but a message that everyone should read to learn and understand.

The book is called Loose Girl: a Memoir of Promiscuity by Kerry Cohen. Since this book is a memoir, it made it even more appealing in my eyes. If you think only the title sounds a little risky, you’re right.

The book however it not just about sex throughout a young girls life. It vividly explains why she was so promiscuous from an early age to her late twenties. It shows the feelings that are hidden behind the idea of needing to be loved. This book showed how she gradually found her way toward real intimacy over many different experiences.

I grew so much from this book. It made me realize before judging someone by their actions, you need to step back and look at the reasons why they do act a certain way. People express feelings in ways they might not even notice.

All books have different messages, some more important than others but every book does have one. That is why I like books so much. Books are so different, with different authors, ideas and views on life. Every book I have ever read has had an im pact on me one way or another. The impact may not have been noticeable, but after you finish the last page of any book, you learn something new.

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